Recursion of the Capital

Self-discriptive system within time change.

The simplest example of self-discriptive systems is the exponential increase. This is because the simplest “change” of a variable $x$ is a first derivative of its time $dx/dt$, and the simplest form of the function “$f(x)$” determined by a variable $x$ is a linear one $Cx$.

  • Case1: Growth is constant with the current state (state is invariant over time)

$$ \frac{dx}{dt} = C $$

  • Case2: Growth is linear with the current state (state changes exponentially)

$$ \frac{dx}{dt} = Cx $$

  • Case3: Growth is complex but relative to the current state (generalization)

$$ \frac{dx}{dt} = f(x) $$

Actual situations

1. Money/Capital creates new money/capital

This is the principle of capital markets and investment. Or what is called Capital Gain. Source of motivation on the lender side.


2. Trust/Credit creates new trust/credit

The most obvious example is banking. Actually, there is a word of credit creation. Lending is gradually increased based on credit. This is the principle of the borrower.

わかりやすい例は銀行業. 実際,信用創造という言葉があるくらい.信用をもとに,少しずつ貸出を増やす.これは借り手の原理.

The modern financial system is supported by the principle that capital and credit increase/decrease exponentially. This principle creates a dynamic phenomenon (spiral) that motivates lenders and borrowers and that “lending and borrowing exponentially increases/decreases.” This is inflation and deflation.


A vested interest (a large corporation or a large political party) can be established as a vested interest by reproducing credit and achievement in the future by accumulating past credit and achievement.


To make matters difficult, “trust” and “achievement” are complementary. “Trust” provides an opportunity to unlock new achievements. The new “achievement” repairs and strengthens trust. In other words, vested interests are invincible unless environmental changes occur.


The first step for new powers (ventures and youth) to scale up is to win trust or to make some achievements. In addition, it is even better as it causes environmental changes and innovation.

新興勢力(ベンチャーや若者)がスケールアップするための第一歩は「信頼」を勝ち取るか,「実績」で黙らせるか. 加えて,環境変化やイノベーションを起こすとなお良い.

As a result, The risk-loving youths first try to walk the cycle from the trust to the achievement, but The risk-averse youths first try to walk the cycle from the achievement to the trust.

結果として, リスク選好的な若者は,信頼から実績へというサイクルを歩もうとし, リスク回避的な若者は,実績から信頼へというサイクルを歩もうとする.

4. Follower/Fan creates new follower/fan

In order for super popular corporate brands, entertainers, celebrities, and influencers to be born, their fans/followers need to create new fans/followers.


Nowadays, this mechanism has been strengthened in the entertainment industry where globalization by the Internet has been achieved, and in platforms where search and recommendation algorithms that strongly fit past trends are dominant.


The more followers/fans there are, the more followers/fans there are. The services with more registrants/subscribers tend to have more registrants/subscribers.

フォロワー/ファンが多い人ほど,フォロワー/ファンが増えやすい. 登録者/購読者の多いサービスほど,登録者/購読者が増えやすい.

3. Popularity/Evaluation creates new popularity/evaluation

For products that sell well, the “selling” state itself becomes valuable.


This phenomenon is often explained by René Girard’s triangular desire from the perspective of consumer sentiment, and by the network externality from the perspective of industrial organization theory.


Additionally, this schema is often misused for stealth marketing, hype, information products, affiliates, etc.


Yuma Uchiumi
Yuma Uchiumi
Management Consultant, Data Scientist
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