
StackOverflow - 2020 Developer Survey

StackOverflow published its Developer Survey 2020. Click here for details. In 2020, Python, Go, TypeScript, Rust are the programming language most loved by developers in the world. It means that these languages are in vogue and new learners are on the rise.

Maximize the cell size of Jupyter notebook

TL;DR Put the following magic command (cell magic) in a cell and execute it. %%javascript IPython.OutputArea.auto_scroll_threshold = 9999; Note: This is not line magic like % matplotlib inline and some

Basic Portfolio Optimization with Python: Markowitz's Mean-Variance Model

Set-up the basic environment for backtesting with Python, select some stocks from the TSE TOPIX series, and build the minimum diversified portfolio.

Counterfactual Regret Minimization

In this post, I introduce you the Counterfactual Regret Minimization (CFR Algorithm). It is mainly used for the algorithm to figure out the optimal strategy of a extensive-form game with incomplete information such as Poker and Mahjong.

Automatically Login to using Selenium on Python

Have you ever want to login to automatically? Don’t you think it is cool? At least I think so and I write down the way to achieve that with Python.